They complete the base and shading with one or two thick coats, and as they dry they form a natural highlight. It's a great dark metal color and one of my favorites. My question is: How? Can I get an example of a single coat of Black Templar over Grey Seer??? Iron Hands are pretty much just Space Marines in Apocalypse. Im not a great painter but I prefer to not put bare plastic on the table. Space Marines are great in Kill Team, and Iron Hands gain one of the parts of their Chapter tactic the 6+ Feel No Pain save. If you have a hard time with your pour, try using a funnel used for pouring booze into those tiny metal flasks. Once I get my order in, sure. Since Contrast paints do not look too good on large flat areas, I use a different approach for Necron vehicles though. If you want a full-fat rundown of everything in the new Codex Supplement and how it interacts with the base book and the 8th edition metagame, check out our review here. 47,932 views Jan 19, 2020 1.2K Dislike Share Save eBay Miniature Rescues 80.5K subscribers This week I take another crack at using a Contrast. Revealed on June 13th, 2022, new Citadel Contrast and colors paints are here! Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Iron Hands are one of the many, many Chapters which are best described as pretty much all black, along with their co-releasees the Raven Guard, the Deathwatch, the Ravenwing, and a legion of others. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spikeybits_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',634,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spikeybits_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spikeybits_com-leader-2','ezslot_19',634,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spikeybits_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-634{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Mix Your Paint In Seconds! Also it smells like it would be delicious. I actually think, that that looks rather promising. I'm in a similar bind. 590 42K views 3 years ago The next big question was about using Citadel Contrast to paint Metallic Power Armour (such as for Pre-Heresy Space Marines). Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Women! One coat makes it look light gray, the 2nd coat makes it lose edge highlight and makes it shiney in places. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. We will see one way or the other. ToP Tip: Visual comparison of all 61 Contrast, 23 Xpress Colors, 23 Speedpaints & 24 Dipping Inks, Scale Comparison: MkVI Horus Heresy Space Marine Legionaries, Review: Kill Team: Into the Dark Part 1: Terrain & rules, Tutorial: How to paint an inverted super hot plasma glow, Showcase: House Hawkshroud Imperial Knight Castellan and Valiant, WIP: Ultramarine 2nd Company Tactical Squad, Most vibrant metallic colours in the market, Paints exclusively available in this set (so far), Some paints require a good stir before use. I take a look at using the paints for. With my new mixer I was finally able to get some of my Citadel metallics to achieve an even mix. Rob walks us through how to make your own! That's why this makes me righteously mad since I've never strived for top quality painting, yet Contrast paints appear to enable people to get decent results in no time. How To Paint Everything: Creating, Basing, and Painting Area and Tournament Terrain, Necromunday: Buzz Lightyear Hyperspeed Trucks in the Ash Wastes. Mix with Fairy Dust for highlights. Gemstone: A deep metallic red, mix it with Fairy Dust or light golden paints like Citadels Liberator Gold to create highlights. Warhammer Community's Chris Peach has found that Contrast colours applied over Leadbelcher or Retributor . I haven't tried it, but I've seen it. The opacity is alright, most of the new metallic Warpaints need about three to four thin coats for solid coverage. It doesn't have the highlighted/shaded effect but it shows the metallic well. While we'd recommend getting started painting purely with Contrast using the Contrast Method, you'll be able to accomplish some remarkable effects by mixing it with our existing range. The new release also sees the dawn of a new upgrade kit and Chapter-specific transfer sheet. Yeah, I almost went with that (I'm mostly using Heresy models and saying they're time lost) but I don't want to start my beasties over to match. #citadelcolour #contrastpaint #citadelcontrastIn this video I show you several techniques for the Citadel Contrast Paint range from Games Workshop that you can apply to your warhammer miniatures.You can support me for as little as $1 a month over on my Patreon page: me on Twitter: TWG on Facebook: Used -Canon EOS M100 - ICD-PX240 - Yeti Microphone - Equipment Used -Iwata C-Plus Airbrush - Jet Pro Compressor - Newton Series 7 Size 0 - Newton Series 7 Size 1 - Black Primer - Brush Cleaner - XL Everlasting Palette: From left to right that's Blood Angel, Flesh Tearer, Leviadon, Talassar. I love the richness of this blue and first tested it out on a lot of the blue horrors I painted. Hopefully, this side-by-side comparison of primers and the Citadel Contrast paints has helped you decide which primer you should go with and maybe what Contrast paint would look best for your minis! Sure, maybe they should come like this in the first place (as thousands of people have been saying for ages), but they dont. Have you seen or tried that? Opinions are our own. All of these are over leadbelcher spray. May I ask a question regarding varnishing?I read that varnish is an excellent choice to protect paint job since contrasts are thin. If youre a Basic Becky painter like me, sticking mostly to Citadel and Vallejo and P3, Tamiya is. 5. Since I already started painting my Mutalith and some Tzaangors blue, I'm leaning towards Talassar or Leviadon, but I am not sure which one I like more. I use both MkIII Tactical Marines and Primaris dudes in my Iron Hands Kill Team. They appeared in the original spread of Space Marine Chapters in the Rogue Trader rulebook, but with little other detail, and they missed out on the 2nd edition run of codexes which fleshed out the Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Other than minor color differences that can be fine-tuned, the properties of the paint can be seen, and they are almost identical in that respect! I had this issue with three out of ten paints in this set. The Army Painter's Metallic Colours Paint Set comprises nine super vibrant metallic colours such as red, blue, and purple, plus a metallic effect paint to experiment with, perfect for expanding your paint collection. Perhaps just skip past this bit and look at the other prettier neater goonhammers Iron Hand? Theres nothing stopping you from using it with our regular Citadel range, however. The Sons of Medusa are also Iron Hands descendants, although in an unusual fashion. Having tested a few of them in store, I felt that Talassar was too close to a deeper/darker Ultramarines type blue and not quite the Azure blue of the "traditional" thousand sons. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thinking of trying these. Paint this mix on the surface, leaving black in the recesses and any shadowed areas. Vallejo metal color Steel. :P It's the Primaris all over again. Stahly is the founder of Tale of Painters. Unfortunately, it also highlights the main problem with contrast paint. Might as well know what each paint is if youre going through the trouble Or you can just guess and make painting all the more fun! For example, I wouldnt recommend using contrast paints for metallics; however I strongly recommend using them for painting your minis primary color. Cables and cybernetic bits were Brass Scorpion washed with Nuln Oil, and I hit the eyes with some Lothern Blue to give it a touch of color. Im new to Miniatures and this was a really useful tip I havent come across yet, thank you! Seems like there could be nice shortcuts for some effects here. 15mL is a great start but can be a little small when transferring Citadel Contrast paints, so if thats the majority of your collection, youll want the 30ml droppers. Personally I stay away from anything that isnt the standard acrylic based paint, but you can also get great results with Contrast Paints over Leadbelcher primer. By ("this was supposed to be hard!"). If you rush here and spill all the paint, it was all for nothing! Testers have shown you don't need to use those specific sprays, one used Leadbelcher for instance, David Johnston (Brother Argos) and the Bolter and Chainsword. "@type": "Answer", This isnt the most powerful tactic in Kill Team, but its still something it can already be hard to put wounds on Marines, and cancelling 1/6th of them with the FNP is a little extra bonus to keep your guys around longer. A brief word on Tamiya paints. Kind of. It's easy! This thing has been marketed as quick and dirty speed method for people who cannot find the motivation or time to paint I feel. For the armour I washed blood angels red contrast and then flesh tearers red contrast all over straight from the pot. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. The Iron Hands solution was to split in half the Moirae-believer brothers were split off into the Sons of Medusa, who became a chapter without a founding. Their Clear paints are kind of thick and gloopy and takes longer to dry between steps than washes or glazes. Perditius 4 yr. ago I painted up a few to see which colors I liked best, using some red if I want Heresy colors and some blue if I want more modern colors. "text": "The spray primers that are designed to work Contrast are going for $22 per can, but in theory, you can use any lighter-colored primer, and it will be fine." First, I want to say that this looks amazing. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. So it goes. One less thing to paint. Best advice I can give to a new painter is to go onto YouTube and watch painting tutorials, especially the ones that the Warhammer Community has released. "@type": "Answer", This paint is great for doing all sorts of bone colors and if you want to make them stand out from one another, try various kinds of washes on it to make them stand out. Contrast paint is designed to be applied over light base colours. Rob thinks he got the best flow using theregularold matte medium(right) that can be purchased in bulk (above). Much of this mentality is owed to their Primarch, Ferrus Manus. It's the Primaris all over again. The canon Black Templar scheme is changing to hot pink with a yellow trim. Fortunately, Horus Heresy mastermind and Alpha Legion commander Anuj is on hand to guide us through painting the nine Traitor Legions to a fast, Battle Ready standard with Contrast paint. "text": "Honestly, no, at least not all of them, not with other alternatives for half the price out there that work better, like the Army Painter Speedpaint." Let us know in the comments of ourFacebook Hobby Group,or ournew Discord server, and make sure youenter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! Need to add some contrast medium to basilicanum grey to tone it down. It's easy! Oh, man. They became known for direct, head-on combat, always seeking out the most intense area of a conflict and directing their efforts to destroying it utterly. },{ A little excess paint might remain in the pot after transferring, so keep that in mind. If you put it on straight out of the pot then you will get a darker tone that equates to about two layers of nuln oil. Review: The 25 new Citadel Contrast Colours. By Personally, I like it over Wrathbone white, then shaded using Agrax earth shade to make it really pop. Or far more likely, buy more Intercessors and start again from scratch because I need Stalker Pattern Bolters. After painting and highlight all the details, put another coat of gloss varnish over shoulders and knees. The set is available directly,or at our partner storesWayland GamesandElement Gamesat a10% discount. What do you recommend? Evil Chrome: This is a light warm coppery metallic paint. Once the Leadbelcher was dry, I added a couple drops of Tamiya Clear Yellow to Tamiya Smoke, about 1:4. For my example above, I used Citadels Mephiston Red. Regular Citadel metallic paints have an RRP of 3,60 Euro / 2.75, but they come in 12 ml flip-top containers. I added spots of Citadel Druchii Violet here and there (because Tamiya doesnt have a Clear Purple, which is kind of weird), followed by the same spotting with Tamiya Clear Green. The result was decent, much quicker than the Tamiyra process, and no bonus headache. The contrast paints diluted with medium over metallics work well, also there are clear air paints from gw that work well too. The Contrast medium helps pull the wash into all the recesses intensifying the shading. The consistency of the contrast paint causes it to pool in recesses to create shading and pull away from high spots, allowing the light base colour to show through a bit more, to create highlights. Review: Speedpaint by The Army Painter really better than Contrast? The primer color you choose should reflect how vibrant of a color you want from the look of contrast paint on your miniatures. Use this as your excuse for the Dread mob of your dreams, though. it is a really nice blue though, and given the numerous shades of different warbands in the codex I don't suppose it really matters :-). Of course, that leaves Wraithbone in the middle of the road. Over leadbelcher the contrast paints achieve a nice coloured metallic look, but they didnt do the whole shade and highlight thing they are supposed to do iirc. specifically, what kind of silver is the base? Contrast Paints: Airbrush Test M3Studios 844 subscribers Subscribe 29K views 3 years ago First time ever using Contrast Paints! . Approaching painting black armor for this I knew I wanted to go for something a little bit different than the standard grey-blue edge highlights, while also not stepping on Condits toes painting up the Heresy style oil slick scheme. These new colours run the gamut from bright and bold to grimy and eerie whether youre painting a tank turret or a raging Endless Spell, theres a pot here for you. I don't think the video is a particularly good example tbh. A little bit of righteous anger now and then is good, actually. Raspint 2 yr. ago "@type": "Answer", Or just read this Hammer of Math. Spikey Bits is a registered trademark of Purple Elephants. "name": "Is Contrast Paint Worth it? Applies very nicely by brush, too. These paints are supposed to help get your minis painted quickly with some, you guessed it, decent contrast! Flesh Tearers Red on the gun/weapon and then go back with the silver to fix the icon you just mucked up. People! Army painter put extra medium in the top of all bottles to prevent the pigment clogging up the nozzle during transport/storage. Bosh, one evenings work for something that wont win you prizes but hopefully your opponent is happy theyre not grey. (Before anyone says use contrast black on GW leadbelcher or iron warriors metal, that may work for infantry models, but how would that work for vehicles with flat panels? The more Fairy Dust you add, the more pastel the result will be. Out of curiosity, what pots did you use? Painting the Traitor Legions with Contrast Heresy isn't easy - you have to muster your forces, plan the route to Terra and make sure that your armour looks good. Vallejo Model Color. Transfer your Games Workshop Citadel Color, and Contrast Paints to dropper bottles in three quick steps to stop them from spilling, drying out, or taking up too much space in these three steps. The dropper bottle kit from Amazon comes with the bottles, nozzles, and tops, so you are ready to start transferring right out of the box. I like them both. It can take three to four hours to fill 50 or so dropper bottles with paint if youre careful not to make a mess. Trouble is, I always prime black, so all my unpainted models are black. You noted that clear medium was the first thing that came out of some of the pots. A lot of the comments say to check out YouTube vids, and I completely agree. This looks so good over any of the base coats and looks just like leather. Lets learn how to make our own Citadel Games Workshop Paint dropper bottles! Enjoy.. Thankfully, The Army Painter also included plenty of stainless steel mixing balls you can add to the bottles to improve the blending when shaking the paint. Check out Vallejo Model Air Black Metallic. Tutorial here: Note: This paint swatch was hand-painted on structured plasticard over grey primer and photographed under a 5500K daylight lamp to provide you with an as accurate colour reproduction as possible. Their Clear paints are kind of thick and gloopy and takes longer to dry between steps than washes or glazes. If there isn't, I might use it for some units. I have these because I forgot to originally order them, so I made a trip to the local store, Glad you did this, been debating using a gold base with black Templar over it for my custodes. The consistency of the contrast paint causes it to pool in recesses to create shading and pull away from high spots, allowing the light base colour to show through a bit more, to create highlights. that are all connected in the 40k universe. So, the value of the set is pretty decent, though you only save on buying the mixing balls. },{ The Iron Hands are one of the less-explored of the First Founding Chapters. I remember hearing or seeing something online about Contrast paints out of the airbrush creating a thinner effect. Thats a good idea, Ill note it down for a future ToP Tip. I wish GW had a lighter silver spray! Dont rush here and take your time; it should go smoothly with the flow improver and metal balls. Lets first answer some quick questions, then dive deeper into how Citadel Contrast Paints actually look on miniatures with the Games Workshop model primers. Don't trust a person who never gets angry. Manus, The Gorgon, is something of a Hephaestus figure in the pantheon of the Primarchs, known for his skill as a smith and metalworker. It seems that the brighter the colour underneath the better the contrast works. Leadbelcher Primer + Contrast Paints + Nuln Oil Since I am a lazy painter and the results look good enough I kept going with the second approach. Sign up for a new account in our community. Well use these mediums and some Airbrush Flow Improver as the primary solvent. Press J to jump to the feed. The spray primers that are designed to work Contrast are going for $22 per can, but in theory, you can use any lighter-colored primer, and it will be fine. "@context": "", Either check out the video above or our steps below. P.O. Cool thanks everyone, I think I am going to try the Vallejo Metal Color Steel and also the Reaper one. Note that I use red weapons instead of white, its because I switch hit for Deathwatch and more often than not, literally any Marine codex using a chart to randomize what Ill bring to the table that day. This is Akhelian Green on a Leadbelcher-Nuln Oil-Stormhost Silver (drybrush): You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Short answer, yes! Now that youve seen the colors and price (dont worry if its too expensive, well show you how to make your own as well), lets look at how paints will look with different rattle can primers. The new Codex Supplement is all well and good, but what about if you want to know more about the Logical Boys? He is known for bold colour schemes and sharp edge highlights, which he paints with typical German perfectionism (one of the reason he is such a notoriously slow painter). They also gained an upgrade kit of the old metal bits to attach to plastic Marines variety, which really helped define their image. "@type": "FAQPage", The Army Painters Warpaints Metallic Colours paint set comes with nine new and exclusive metallic colours and Fairy Dust metallic effect paint, all in 18 ml dropper bottles. He transitioned from Lego to Games Workshop models at the tender age of 11 and didn't look back ever since. Ania RedfangJuly 8, 2019 in + THOUSAND SONS +. Grabbing a set of 50 wont set you back much hobby dollars-wise, and it can save you big on paint! While they wont do everything for you, they will make your painting go much faster! Review: New Vallejo Game Color range now for pro painters only?

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contrast paints over leadbelcherLeave A Comment