He described the actions of the Israeli official, Shai Masot, as "improper interference in this country's democratic process" and was concerned on national security grounds that Boris Johnson had said the matter was closed. ", "How would Jeremy Corbyn pay for his spending pledges? Sinha, Paresha, Owain Smolovi Jones, and Brigid Carroll. Four years later, Corbyn appeared at Highbury Magistrates Court for having failed to pay his poll tax (481). Marcela approached late Tony Benn, then-MP and a close friend of Corbyn at a fundraiser for firefighters and told him about her predicament. "[331] Supporting John McDonnell's statement that there is "a lot to learn" from Karl Marx's book Das Kapital, Corbyn described Marx as a "great economist". 184,541 people subsequently paid the one-off fee to become "registered supporters" of the party during the two-day window in July, meaning that over 700,000 people had a vote in the leadership election. [593][594], In 2016, Corbyn was the subject of a musical entitled Corbyn the Musical: The Motorcycle Diaries, written by journalists Rupert Myers and Bobby Friedman. [478][474][479][480] Eisen had written an essay on his website in 2008 entitled "My life as a Holocaust denier". [337] Corbyn sought to reduce an estimated 93 billion that companies receive in tax relief. Labour leadership contender guide", "Bedrock of the British state Weekly Worker", "Jeremy Corbyn denies backing second Scottish independence vote", "Jeremy Corbyn rejects 'new Act of Union' call", "Jeremy Corbyn rejects Kezia Dugdale's keynote plan for new Act of Union", "Amber Rudd urged by 113 MPs to ban protests outside abortion clinics", "Jeremy Corbyn joins 100 MPs calling for ban on vigils outside abortion clinics", "Jeremy Corbyn backs call for abortion clinic buffer zones", "Labour's Jeremy Corbyn vows to bring abortion and same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland as victims blast refusal to condemn IRA terror", "Jeremy Corbyn announces 10bn plan to scrap university tuition fees", "Labour pledges to abolish tuition fees as early as autumn 2017", "Is Jeremy Corbyn's policy for free university education as crazy as it sounds? However, she. Corbyn threatened legal action against Bradley, which resulted in Bradley deleting the tweet, apologising for his comments which he accepted were "untrue and false", and agreeing to pay Corbyn's legal costs and to donate to a charity of Corbyn's choice. In July 2018, Labour, with Corbyn's support, agreed a code of conduct which excluded or amended some of the examples from the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism relating to Israel. In the now-deleted message, the Islington. [259], On 20 March, Corbyn called for the British authorities to send a sample of the nerve agent involved in the poisoning to Russia, so they could "say categorically one way or the other" where it came from. What it means is that I think to bring about a peace process, you have to talk to people with whom you may profoundly disagree There is not going to be a peace process unless there is talks involving Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas and I think everyone knows that", he argued. Jeremy Corbyn hires his friend's 27-year-old daughter as his 40,000-a-year 'political adviser' Laura Murray, daughter of Unite the union chief of staff, is new political adviser to the. Jeremy Corbyn explains to LBC why he refuses to reveal whether or not he has been vaccinated against Covid. Laura Alvarez is a 49-year-old ex-banker married to hard-left socialist Jeremy Corbyn. "[91], In the early 1990s, MI5 opened a file on Corbyn to monitor his links to the IRA. [138], An internal Labour Party report, entitled The work of the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 20142019, which was leaked to the media in April 2020, stated that, during the 2015 and 2016 leadership contests staff members at Labour party headquarters looked for ways to exclude from voting members who they believed would vote for Corbyn. The Labour party has a code of conduct on this, and it does have to be dealt with". [77], A longstanding supporter of a united Ireland, in the 1980s Corbyn met Sinn Fin leader Gerry Adams a number of times. [222][223] This has partly been attributed to the popularity of its 2017 Manifesto that promised to scrap tuition fees, address public sector pay, make housing more affordable, end austerity, nationalise the railways and provide school students with free lunches. He also promised to allow abortion in Northern Ireland as well as same-sex marriage. ", "Jeremy Corbyn asks David Cameron 'questions from public', "The Guardian view on Jeremy Corbyn's PMQs debut: a very reasonable start", "Jeremy Corbyn says Britain 'can and must change', "British Army 'could stage mutiny under Corbyn', says senior serving general", "Three-quarters of newspaper stories about Jeremy Corbyn fail to accurately report his views, LSE study finds", "Our report found that 75% of press coverage misrepresents Jeremy Corbyn we can't ignore media bias anymore", "Jeremy Corbyn unveils 'unifying' Shadow Cabinet team", "French air strikes will make little difference, warns Jeremy Corbyn", "Jeremy Corbyn on military action against the Islamic State in the wake of recent attacks", "David Cameron to unveil plan for air strikes on Isis in Syria within days", "Jeremy Corbyn 'cannot support UK air strikes in Syria', "Labour leadership at odds over Syrian airstrikes", "Jeremy Corbyn insists 'I'm not going anywhere' and says he has final say on Labour vote over Syria air strikes", "Syria air strikes: MPs authorise UK action against Islamic State", "Jeremy Corbyn keeps Hilary Benn in post, amid reshuffle sackings", "Three shadow ministers resign over Corbyn's 'dishonest' reshuffle", "Labour reshuffle: Thornberry replaces Eagle for defence, McFadden sacked and Benn stays", "Labour's Catherine McKinnell quits shadow cabinet", "Key points of 2016 elections: At-a-glance summary", "Local elections 2016: our writers on the night's winners and losers", "How Welsh Labour became the UK's most invincible electoral machine", "Where's the evidence that Jeremy Corbyn is to blame for Brexit? [270] During the 2019 election Corbyn would promise to take a "neutral stance" during the referendum on any Brexit deal his government would negotiate. In his press conference around half an hour later, Starmer said that anyone who thought the problems were "exaggerated" or were a "factional attack" were "part of the problem and should be nowhere near the Labour Party". [10] Taking the party to the left, he advocated renationalising public utilities and railways, a less interventionist military policy, and reversals of austerity cuts to welfare and public services. Very good manners, says Caroline Russell, Green Party councillor in Corbyns ward. According to Rosa Prince, Corbyns biographer, it was a thoroughly upper-middle-class, scruffy country upbringing. [244] The diverted funds refer to the "Bespoke Materials Service" (sometimes referred to as the 'Ergon House Project'), which represented 1.2 per cent of Labour's total election spend and was focused towards certain Labour-held seats rather than offensive targets. [501], Following coverage of alleged antisemitic statements by party members, Corbyn commissioned the Chakrabarti Inquiry and supported changes to the party's rules and procedures to make hate crime a disciplinary offence. I was not a member of the editorial board. [547], In September 2021, McCluskey wrote that Starmer had reneged on a deal to reinstate the whip to Corbyn in return for Corbyn agreeing to a statement that was co-written by senior Labour staff. [271], In February 2019, seven MPs Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey resigned from the Labour Party to form The Independent Group, citing Corbyn's handling of Brexit and of allegations of antisemitism. Another brother, an astrophysicist and meteorologist, is called Piers. Corbyn was shamefully denounced as a dangerous antisemite primarily because he supported the democratic rights of the Palestinians. [147] Corbyn stressed his desire to reduce the "theatrical" nature of the House of Commons, and his dbut was described in a Guardian editorial as "a good start" and a "long overdue" change to the tone of PMQs. [304][305], On 29 October 2020, a report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission into anti-Semitism in the Labour party was published, finding that the party was responsible for unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination. [332][333] Corbyn has said he has read some of the works of Adam Smith, Karl Marx and David Ricardo and has "looked at many, many others". On warfare by Turkey against the Kurds, Corbyn stated, "If arms are being used to oppress people internally in violation of international law then they simply should not be supplied to them. Monday July 31 2017, 12.01am BST, The Times. [104] Jacobin described him as "a figure who for decades challenged them [Labour Party elites] from the backbench as one of the most rebellious left-wing members of parliament. [410], Following the election of Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential elections, Corbyn said that he believes that President Trump is not offering solutions to problems, but simply being divisive. C-SPAN, an acronym for Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, is an American cable television network that offers coverage of federal government proceedings and other public affairs programming via its three television channels (C-SPAN, C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3), one radio station and a group of. He also stated that Corbyn might not be allowed to stand as a Labour candidate in Islington North unless the whip was restored. "[409], Corbyn is a longstanding supporter of unilateral nuclear disarmament,[410][411] although he has suggested a compromise of having submarines without nuclear weapons. "[212], In January 2017, Corbyn announced that he would impose a three-line whip to force Labour MPs to vote in favour of triggering Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union to initiate the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. [487][488] In 2020, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) revealed that an antisemitism complaint had been made against Corbyn in April 2018 over his defence of the mural, and members of Corbyn's office "directly interfered in the decision not to investigate the case, an example of political interference the EHRC concluded was "unlawful". After news reports that Eagle's office had been vandalised, and threats and abuse to other MPs, including death threats to himself, Corbyn said: "It is extremely concerning that Angela Eagle has been the victim of a threatening act" and called for "respect and dignity, even where there is disagreement. Mueller, Frank, Andrea Whittle, and Gyuzel Gadelshina. In 2005 he was identified as the second most rebellious Labour MP of all time when the party was in government. [405], He has since acknowledged that the British public do not agree with his beliefs that the UK should leave NATO, and instead intends to push for the organisation to "restrict its role". [544] Corbyn received support from a number of Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) around the country in response to Starmer's decision to remove the whip. There was widespread criticism of the attempt to deport Raed Salah, including from Jews for Justice for Palestinians, and his appeal against deportation succeeded on all grounds. [445][446][447], Corbyn has criticised Britain's close ties with Saudi Arabia and British involvement in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen. An ITV Wales/YouGov poll at this time placed the Conservatives on 40% in Wales against Labour's 30%; Labour MPs have formed a majority in Wales since the 1922 election. [145][146] In Corbyn's first Prime Minister's Questions session as leader, he broke with the traditional format by asking the Prime Minister six questions he had received from members of the public, the result of his invitation to Labour Party members to send suggestions, for which he received around 40,000 emails. Does it mean I agree with Hezbollah and what they do? [577] They have a cat called El Gato ("The Cat" in Spanish),[578] while Corbyn had previously owned a dog called Mango, described by The Observer in 1984 as his "only constant companion" at the time. (Corbyn's parents changed 'Manor' to 'House' to downgrade its grandness, a move reversed by the current owner, a retired solicitor.). [490][491][492][493] The remarks were criticised for appearing to perpetuate the antisemitic canard that Jews fail or refuse to integrate into wider society. [554] In September 2019, Labour leaders argued that traditional mainstream media outlets showed bias. "[321][322][323] It also described senior Labour staff as having displayed "deplorably factional and insensitive, and at times discriminatory, attitudes" towards Corbyn and his supporters,[324] and detailed concerns by some staff about a "hierarchy of racism" in the party which ignored Black people. "[423] Asked on Channel 4 News in July 2015 why he had called representatives from Hamas and Hezbollah "friends", Corbyn explained, "I use it in a collective way, saying our friends are prepared to talk," and that the specific occasion he used it was to introduce speakers from Hezbollah at a Parliamentary meeting about the Middle East. [239] Stephen Bush wrote in the New Statesman that the "report's summary writes a cheque that its findings cannot cash". After refusing police requests to move from outside the court, Corbyn and the other protesters were arrested for obstruction and held for five hours before being released on bail, but were not charged. [467], In 2016, Corbyn said that "if peace is wanted in the region, the Kurdish people's right to self-determination must be accepted." [532], In 2021 Corbyn was a guest at the Cambridge Union. [99][100], Between 1997 and 2010, during the most recent Labour Government, Corbyn was the Labour MP who voted most often against the party whip, including three-line whip votes. [222] Corbyn said that he had received the largest vote for a winning candidate in the history of his borough. [30], After school,[31] Corbyn worked briefly as a reporter for a local newspaper, the Newport and Market Drayton Advertiser. [388], Following the 2019 European Parliament election, Corbyn endorsed holding a referendum on the Brexit withdrawal agreement regardless of who negotiates it. It was also in Jamaica that he grew a beard and wrote poetry, which he sent to the New Statesman. [276], In March 2019, Corbyn was assaulted by a Brexit supporter outside a mosque in Finsbury Park, North London. [330] When asked if he regarded himself as a Marxist, Corbyn responded by saying: "That is a very interesting question actually. According to the Labour Party, "The Security Services kept files on many peace and Labour movement campaigners at the time, including anti-Apartheid activists and trade unionists". [249] Also during February 2017, Ipsos MORI found Corbyn's satisfaction rating among the electorate as a whole was minus 38%; among Labour voters it was minus 9%. Ask my mother? Cameron spat. [120] The other candidates were Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham and Shadow Care Minister Liz Kendall. They saw themselves as left-wing intellectuals (the house was full of books, says one school friend), and their backgrounds were in law and surveying. [288], The 2019 general election was the worst defeat in seats for Labour since 1935, with Labour winning just 202 out of 650 seats, their fourth successive election defeat. The motion also congratulated Pilger "on his expose of the fraudulent justifications for intervening in a genocide that never really existed in Kosovo". [232] The report also stated Sam Matthews, who was Head of Disputes and acting Head of the Governance and Legal Unit, "rarely replied or took any action" in relation to antisemitism complaints. [263], Following the 2017 general election, the party faced internal pressure to shift its Brexit policy away from a soft Brexit and towards a second referendum, a position widely supported among the party membership. Hedges, Paul, and Luca Farrow. [255], On 15 March 2018, Corbyn wrote in The Guardian that "to rush way ahead of the evidence" about Russia's involvement in the Salisbury poisoning "serves neither justice nor our national security" and that responsibility for the attack "is a matter for police and security professionals to determine". Jeremy's maternal grandmother was Caroline Sarah Stott (the daughter of Edward Nicholson Stott and Naomi Emily Haldane). (ITV) Jeremy Paxman has revealed he had to be rushed to hospital twice in two days after suffering chest pains and an injury that left him needing a head wound glued. [211] He continued: "Together, arguing for the real change this country needs, I have no doubt this party can win the next election whenever the Prime Minister decides to call it and form the next government. [298] According to polling by Lord Ashcroft, Corbyn was himself a major contribution to the party's defeat. [70], In 1985, he was appointed national secretary of the newly launched Anti-Fascist Action. To everyones surprise, says one friend, he flunked his A-levels. [130][131] Why did Labour Party membership soar after the 2015 general election?". "[63], In 1983, Corbyn spoke on a "no socialism without gay liberation" platform and continued to campaign for LGBT rights. Labour's misfortunes in Scotland continued, where they fell into third place behind the Conservatives. It's time to wake up to the crises we face and offer a more hopeful alternative. [42] After boundary changes in 1978 he was re-elected in Harringay ward as councillor, remaining so until 1983. [186] Several union leaders (from GMB, UCATT, the CWU, the TSSA, ASLEF, the FBU, the BFWAU and the NUM) issued a joint statement saying that Corbyn was "the democratically-elected leader of Labour and his position should not be challenged except through the proper democratic procedures provided for in the party's constitution" and that a leadership election would be an "unnecessary distraction". [421] In August 2016, Corbyn said: "I am not in favour of the academic or cultural boycott of Israel, and I am not in favour of a blanket boycott of Israeli goods. He wants kinder politics, says one of his supporters, something more genteel and polite. [326], Responding to this, Corbyn's former advisor Andrew Fisher wrote: "Forde confirms that reflection is necessary. [71], During the BBC's Newsnight in 1984, Conservative MP Terry Dicks said that so-called Labour "scruffs" (such as Corbyn, who at this time was known for wearing an old polo-necked sweater to the Commons[72]) should be banned from addressing the House of Commons unless they maintained higher standards. Piers, Jeremy's older brother, was arrested over the weekend at a lockdown protest in Hyde Park where he claimed that the coronavirus pandemic was "a pack of lies to brainwash you and keep you in. You can be privileged and have this background and still be interested in standing up for the common good, and be interested in paying your taxes., Russell campaigned for Corbyns seat in the last election. He was keen to allow former International Marxist Group member Tariq Ali to join the party, despite Labour's National Executive having declared him unacceptable, and declared that "so far as we are concerned he's a member of the party and he'll be issued with a card. [317][319] All 11 agreed to do so the same evening. [] Happily, that is not the Jewish community in Britain today. Membership numbers continued to climb after the start of his leadership. He of course condemns that terrible attack, as he does the 1985 bombing. Jeremy Paxman was rushed to hospital twice in two days. [562][563], In 1987, Corbyn married Chilean exile Claudia Bracchitta, granddaughter of Ricardo Bracchitta (Consul-General of Spain in Santiago), with whom he has three sons. [260] A few days later, Corbyn was satisfied that the evidence pointed to Russia. [25] He joined the Labour Party at the age of 16[17] and achieved two A-Levels, at grade E, the lowest-possible passing grade, before leaving school at 18. [546] On 27 January 2021, the application for a pre-action disclosure was dismissed. [370] He accused the EU of acting "brutally" in the 2015 Greek crisis by allowing financiers to destroy its economy. [114] A number of economists, including Steve Keen, said that Corbyn's candidature for leadership of the Labour party "recognis[ed] the inspiring possibilities for a fairer and more equal society offered by an information economy in an interdependent world". [121][122] Several who nominated Corbyn later said they had ensured he had enough votes to stand, more to widen the political debate within the party than because of a desire or expectation that he would win. [460][461] Internal Labour party critics of Corbyn accused him of glossing over Castro's human rights abuses. [41], He was appointed a member of a district health authority and in early 1974, at the age of 24, he was elected to Haringey Council in South Hornsey ward. [232][139] The report was completed in the last months of Corbyn's leadership and was meant to form part of the Labour Party's submission to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) inquiry into Labour's approach to dealing with antisemitism. : The Labour Party is heading for a split", "London Borough Council Elections 2 May 1974", "Jeremy Corbyn on the IRA and immigration: Full interview on #Ridge", "Exclusive: Special Branch monitored Jeremy Corbyn for 20 years amid fears he was 'undermining democracy', "When Corbyn wanted me deposed, I sought nominations from MPs", "Jeremy Corbyn: thinking the unthinkable", "Jeremy Corbyn: In search of the man threatening to wrench Labour to the left", "Morning Star opts for youth by appointing Ben Chacko as editor", "The leadership myth: why Corbyn is a great leader", "The Jeremy Corbyn story: Profile of Labour leader", "Labour MPs switch from Andy Burnham to left-winger Jeremy Corbyn in leadership race", "Jeremy Corbyn: full story of the lefty candidate the Tories would love to see elected as Labour Leader", "Jeremy Corbyn has been on the right side of history for 30 years. "Crossing Borders: Anti-Fascist Action (UK) and Transnational Anti-Fascist Militancy in the 1990s." Birchwood Community High School 11 "" He would also aim to eliminate the current budget deficit over time and restore the 50p top rate of income tax. Bolton, Matt, and Frederick Harry Pitts, eds. In 1984, when he was a backbench MP, he invited two convicted IRA volunteers to the British Parliament, just. [77] Before becoming party leader Corbyn had been returned as member of Parliament for Islington North seven times, gaining 60.24% of the vote and a majority of 21,194 in the 2015 general election. [548], Analyses of domestic media coverage of Corbyn have found it to be critical or antagonistic. He is a gentleman, yes, agrees Emily Thornberry (Lady Nugee), the Labour MP in the neighbouring seat of Islington South and Finsbury. Pics: David Beckham visits famous Dublin pub to celebrate son's 18th birthday . When he moved to London, in 1972, he was a bit of a bumpkin according to his brother Piers, but he quickly immersed himself in local politics. Mr Corbyn was attacked when he was leader for his huge spending promises . [365][366], Corbyn has previously been a left-wing Eurosceptic. The first mission of any government should be to end this grotesque inequality plunging millions into despair. [289][290] At 32.2%, Labour's share of the vote was down around eight points on the 2017 general election and is lower than that achieved by Neil Kinnock in 1992, although it was higher than in 2010 and 2015. Initially viewed as a token candidate for the left wing of the party and not expected to win, many new young members, who had joined after the membership fee had been reduced to 3, were attracted by what they saw as Corbyn's authentic, informal style and radical policies. "[191][192], On 12 July 2016, following a dispute as to whether the elected leader would need nominations in an election as a "challenger" to their own leadership, Labour's National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved that Corbyn, as the incumbent leader, had an automatic right to be on the ballot,[193] and also decided that members needed to have been a member for more than six months to be eligible to vote, meaning that many members who had joined recently would not be able to vote. [394] Opposing violence and war has been "the whole purpose of his life". [13] He is the youngest of the four sons of Naomi Loveday (ne Josling; 19151987), a maths teacher, and David Benjamin Corbyn (19151986), an electrical engineer and expert in power rectifiers. [341][342] As the policy would change the central bank's focus on stabilising prices it has been argued it could increase the perceived risk of investing in the UK and raise the prospect of increased inflation. [134] He was elected party leader in a landslide victory on 12 September 2015 with 59.5% of first-preference votes in the first round of voting. He no longer thinks that Jeremy Corbyn is his friend, as he will not permit the former Labour leader to stand as a candidate at the next election. [523], An internal Labour Party report, entitled The work of the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 20142019, which was leaked to the media in April 2020, stated that Corbyn's team inherited a lack of "robust processes, systems, training, education and effective line management" as well as factional hostility towards Corbyn amongst former senior officials. He returned home by way of Latin America, where he learned about Simn Bolvar and Che Guevara. Elections", "Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report", "Why was Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour Party? He was previously married to Claudia Bracchitta and Jane Chapman. [291] Tony Blair argued that the party's unclear position on Brexit and the economic policy pursued by the Corbyn leadership were to blame. MATT KENNARD 22 June 2022 [540] On 31 October, the general secretaries of seven of Labour's affiliated trade unions (CWU, FBU, NUM, Unite, BFAWU, ASLEF and TSSA) published a joint statement calling the suspension "ill-advised and unjust". [59][60], Shortly after being elected to Parliament, he began writing a weekly column for the left-wing Morning Star newspaper. [166], In the 2016 local elections, Labour had a net loss of 18 local council seats and controlled as many councils as before (gaining control of Bristol but losing Dudley). [176], Three days after the EU referendum, on 26 June, Hilary Benn was sacked after it was disclosed that he had been organising a mass resignation of Shadow Cabinet members to force Corbyn to stand down. In the subsequent vote 140 Labour MPs voted with the government in favour of the new submarines, in line with party policy, and 47 joined Corbyn to vote against. ", "Labour NEC panel readmits Jeremy Corbyn to party after suspension", "Jeremy Corbyn will not return as Labour MP, says Sir Keir Starmer", "Jeremy Corbyn knows what he must do to rejoin Labour, says Keir Starmer", "Labour chief whip demands apology from Jeremy Corbyn", "Corbyn announces launch of Peace and Justice Project", "Jeremy Corbyn to start global social justice project 'for the many', "Jeremy Corbyn: Why I'm Launching a Project for Peace and Justice", "Labour MPs drop backing for statement criticising Nato after Starmer warning", "List of signatories: Stop the War statement on the crisis over Ukraine", "Labour MPs withdraw from anti-Nato statement after threat to lose whip", "David Lammy: Labour has no plans to reinstate Jeremy Corbyn as Labour MP", "Antisemitism 'used as weapon' by Jeremy Corbyn's friends and foes", "Anti-Semitism used as factional weapon within Labour, says report", "Anti-Corbyn Labour officials covertly diverted election cash to allies, inquiry finds", "Black Labour staff suffer under party's 'hierarchy of racism', Forde report finds", https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/19/key-takeaways-forde-report-labour-factionalism, "The Labour Party is making a terrible mistake if it ignores the Forde report", "Jeremy Corbyn on the Report Mainstream Media Doesn't Want You To Know About", "THE ANDREW MARR SHOW INTERVIEW: JEREMY CORBYN, MP LABOUR LEADERSHIP CANDIDATE JULY 26th 2015", "The Marx Brothers: Jeremy Corbyn joins John McDonnell in praising Communist icon's work", "Jeremy Corbyn backs John McDonnell and says Marx was a 'great economist', "Jeremy Corbyn vows to raise taxes for the rich if elected Prime Minister", "John McDonnell Unveils His First Policy: A 10 Minimum Wage", "What is 'Corbynomics' And What Might it Mean for Britain?

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