They cohabited with two other ancient civilizations, Felines and Avians. Its not possible for Lyrans to ever return to their original home as it was destroyed. Its said the Avians dreamed up ways to travel to other universes. They make indulgent, spontaneous lovers who are almost always willing to try new things. But they share many commonalities: If youre a Lyran Starseed, youre probably curious to know more about your ancient roots. Hey there! With so many amazing qualities, its no surprise that Lyran Starseeds pull others towards them like a magnet. Now, I know what you might be thinking. So it will be. I thinkm tgat my present boss also is Lyran. Lyran Starseeds are frequently attracted to the arts, such as music, writing, and painting. Am I truly Lyran? You do your best in everything that you do, and you trust the universe to have your back and assist the evolution of your soul. Any kind of change always has to start from within the self. That will brighten you up. As you can see, your Lyran Starseed mission is absolutely crucial to the progress and evolution of the galaxy. Being a Lyran starseed is so recognizably to me! I felt myself get so excited reading your article. Lyran Starseeds tend to have type B-/B+ and A-/A+ blood. They often enjoy people-watching and hanging out in crowds, but generally arent into being the center of attention. Lyran starseeds are dyed-in-the-wool ambiverts. I always had sumflower seeds with me and when my friend-birdscame to me, they came to eat from my hand. although I actually feel I just have to be Lyran! When Atlantis fell, the Felines moved to Ancient Egypt along with Avian and Sirian star beings. But you quickly realize that the other person isnt compatible with you. Starseeds are said to be alien souls who incarnate as regular human beings. Since i can remember as a child i. If youre a Lyran starseed, its likely that other people look to you when things go pear-shaped. . In addition to being confident and independent, Lyran starseeds are natural-born leaders. On star maps, it's represented by a vulture or eagle carrying a lyre one of the Lyran Starseed activation symbols. 1. They rarely want for anything. <3. Ive found fasting, nature time, meditation with light codes have really helped. In 2016, I was contacted by a Lyra who had pink skin. Theyre very smart and believe in their abilities. Interestingly enough, your souls origins can still leave some distinctive markers on your appearance. Lyran starseeds are very solution-oriented and are good at getting things done, as you absorb information very quickly, like a sponge. thank you so much for sharing such an interesting article. The crazy thing is Ive known them for years. Also because I have a strong connection to lions and to the leo star sign as well also with regards to my physical attributes Well, maybe Ill overcome my doubts someday Either way, thank you so much for sharing! The Lyrans have already pretty much accomplished their mission. Hope you enjoy the journey with me. Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics include: An older air or appearance. 14 Major Signs that Confirm You're a Lyran Starseed 1. This is completely understandable but of course, deep down you want to give your loved ones the time, attention, and care they deserve. cat deities call to you: Bastet, Sekhmet, Freya, etc. How cool! They have a very long history with the earth. This makes you an amazing friend to have, and everyone around you seems to agree! I have a deep connection with them. Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. On star maps, its represented by a vulture or eagle carrying a lyre one of the Lyran Starseed activation symbols. Maybe this adventurous nature will lead you to travel to gain experience. Lyrans are one of the most ancient races. The symbol in Ancient Egypt, the picture, which is one of the pictures you come across the most, is the head of a bull with the horns . In particular, Lyran Starseeds come from the Lyra constellation. I have all of these qualities. Lyrans. It gives you a foundation for life and helps you feel grounded and withstand challenges. This is true of their thinking, their beliefs, and their priorities. I did a past life regression last night on the 11/11/20 because I knew it was a strong manifesting day and Ive been yearning to find my starseed since I realised it was a real thing and described me exactly. This means building altars, providing offerings, invocation, prayer, etc. I find this interesting, because according to astronomy, the stars in the Lyra constellation are younger than our Sun. Nice article overall. They also frequently have amber, green, or even yellow-green eyes. December 7, 2022 July 1, 2021 by celestial. George Lucas is a starseed too although I dont remember which kind. That explains why they often share so much in common with these two other starseed types! I dont know if this will resonate with anyone but I hope it helps. taking great pleasure in physical joys: intimacy, food, travel, etc. Theyre sociable, but can also seem quiet and mysterious. As we've already mentioned, Lyrans are one of the oldest starseed races and originate in the Lyra constellation. Be aware, you will have a lot of the fire and air element in your birth chart too. Lyran Starseed Traits & Characteristics. Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. This means you can easily excel at work, but also that you are more prone to burn out. Life is full of things to be explored and enjoyed, and you want to discover it all! This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. Modern mystics, magical practitioners, and witches are drawn to Lyra. Ive had others comment on my lyran personality before and never knew what it really was. There is no simple answer to this question. You might notice that your lowest two chakras are particularly strong. What is the purpose of Lyran starseeds on planet Earth? You can see the value of tradition, but dont feel compelled to be bound by it. Lyran starseeds are incarnated souls from Lyra who have come to . Vega was the gateway to that galaxy from another: in Old Norse the word Vega meant to move or to transport. This intelligence can manifest in many different ways. Lets have a look at them in more detail. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega. If youre going to stay safe and have fun doing all of that, you need to be able to adapt to different situations as they arise. The Lion Sphinx, though weve lost the original gods name, is one of the Felines from Lyra. What type of starseed am I? You might even feel a deep sense of peace, connection, or nostalgia when looking up at the night sky. Lyrans are connected to Atlantis and Lemuria. It costs much less than you might think. Are you a Lyran starseed? Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. So thank you for this. I would like to say that I loved this text! And no wonder! All of this paints a picture of people who arent afraid of change and different ways of thinking. Feline Lyran Starseed Traits: cat-like appearance: almond shapes eyes and cat-like nose hard-working, you don't mind physical labor enjoy fitness and healthy lifestyle you need more sleep than the average person (9+ hours) taking great pleasure in physical joys: intimacy, food, travel, etc. I like your explanations and deephnes. On a large scale, this also means you show humanity that we are all One and part of the same source. So if you havent discovered your psychic powers yet, dont worry! The Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing Ancestral Star Patterns/Preparing for the 5D Shift. I had no idea before that such a starseed excists. . Other than height (I am not tall) and the deep feeling of connection to the stars, this entire article describes me! So imagine how difficult it is when youre an advanced spiritual being! Ages ago, they came to Earth to help human culture advance. Lyra Constellation forms the shape of a lyre. Other species exist in Lyra and have made contact with . So it is. Lyrans were a very ancient race that are said to have helped ancient humans do things like use fire. You feel a strong sense of inner solidity regardless of your life situation. They might conserve some remnants of their original form, but at the end of the day, the body theyll inhabit on Earth is a human one. They are often drawn to careers in the arts, such as music, writing, and painting. Its just so weird that I feel like I dont fit in, theres something wrong and its like Im just an observer of what happening around if that makes sense. This might sound a tad bit selfish but thats far from the truth. You deal with people fairly and you would never intentionally screw someone over. Ask your guides and ancestors to reveal your purpose to you through divination, meditation, or visionary journeys. People open up to you easily and show you that they want you in their lives. Look for Lyra and the stars of Lyra in your birth chart, OR have someone who analyzes birth charts do it for you! This was just one of many confirmations Ive received. As youve noticed, Lyrans have a wonderfully complex personality and a wide variety of interests. This is why I feel Vega was the doorway the Avians came through to populate Lyra. You might even consider chaos to be an essential part of your life experience. A Lyran starseed can only shine their light and inspire others by being the most fulfilled version of themselves first. And the best way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. This is rare and rather curious for such advanced spiritual beings. So for the last several years I am navigating my own awakening, have been reading, and searching and seeking. And from your studies, do Lyrans have the ability to predict the near future or be able to talk to the lost souls? This was a great read. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. I hope everything is ok with you! A common characteristic of Lyran starseeds is their adaptability. In the Lyran Star system. Ive managed to( brainwash so my daughter says) my grandchildren to be cat people too. Lyrans also founded Lemuria, and are thus master healers, and blended with Atlantis and Egypt, thus being knowledgeable about math, healing with crystals, tone and . , I am Lyran, what was left of my family after the destruction we went to the Pleiades, I guess I chose to come to Earth, I was dropped into a dysfunctional family and when I was 5 I was visited by my feline family and they told me I had to bring love & light into this crazy family, I tried my best, now Im 64, I live alone, ppl drive me crazy, I want to spread my knowledge but Im tired and isolating. Knowing us very well, it made an intense amount of sense. I was watching TV, we had satellite because it was the early 90s, and as soon as my mom walked out the door, the TV went to the old static no signal screen or the snow screen as Ive heard it referred to, and in the upper corner of the screen a very small head appeared and then it moved 3 dimensionally in a downward arch and got closer which made the head larger too. Then Id be most happy. There may be situations where a few idle words or thoughts actually manifest things in your life, for good or ill. You have probably been labeled as an introvert or loner. Reading about these characteristics gave me shivers all over my body and tears in my eyes and although this should speak for itself Im still doubting and continue to read everything I can find about the different starseed origins and try to figure out which one I am so ridiculous! You dont want to miss out on anything that feels good and exciting. I have a very strong connection to them. Having a look at yours is another great way to tell if youre a Lyran starseed. But more than that, youre able to see the spiritual significance of these civilizations and that gives you a leg up in understanding the mysteries and symbolism still present in modern life. Known to be the original custodians of ancient wisdom, Lyran starseeds came to Earth from Lyra, a small constellation in the northern sky containing a few stars from the Vega planet. I started by asking for more love and light be sent to each chakra by my Higher Self. Wow. If youre not in great shape, it can feel very frustrating for you. This is a great way to explore life and discover new hobbies that can make you happy. Coz that will make me 100% Lyron. I came across your article searching for more information on Lyrans. It could be that you have had previous lives on Andromeda or that you are a hybrid of the two, and thats why both feel familiar . I. The signs above and below will give you a good idea if you are a Lyran Starseed. Lyran starseeds are often regarded as 'old souls', they live in the present moment and are regarded as the wisest ones among all of the . Maybe we are more than we think Lyrans also find themselves attracted to healing crystals and objects that are considered sacred. So you might pay particular attention to these things in your environment, and even feel directly connected to them. If only there was a way you could avoid that risk, and know for sure if youve found the one. Appearances can be deceiving, and Lyran starseeds are more identifiable by their inner characteristics than the superficial way they appear to the human eye. Id love to know , Oh really, you too! Once Lyran starseeds know wake up to their mission, they pursue it fearlessly, and nothing can come in their way. Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. You have so many goals that its hard to focus on all of them at once and you dont like to wait for things to happen. As I know my mission is the same. Being a Lyran Starseed means being a very strategic thinker. Ever since you first heard it, you cant shake the feeling that youve hit upon your truth you might be a Lyran Starseed. Theyre the kind of people who always seem to have money for what they need, and if they dont, they know how to get it anyhow. These two chakras help you approach life with a mixture of sensibility and joy. This symbol represents the Lyrans' side that likes to indulge and enjoy the good things in life. I also spent time alone, my passion for life has been thought of by myself to be An emotionally intense person. They are also linked to the lion-sphinxes so prominent in Ancient Egyptian history and mythology. Theyre also generally very strong and athletic. I recently started to meditate asking what my origin was and a few days later my Mother told me she had a vivid dream about myself. Lyran Starseed Emotional Traits Lyrans are almost always able to sense the emotions of those around them. Many Lyran starseeds relate closely to the Feline race of Lyran star ancestors. Doing so brings questions to your mind, and makes you curious about the nature of existence. In this context I find the term Starseed as somewhat of a misnomer in that unlike the waves of souls, referred to by Deloris Cannon, arriving here recently to help free humanity, many so called Lyran Starseeds have been here from the very very beginning and in many ways have created this planet and its civilizations in order to balance ancient Karma manifested from the wars that destroyed our planet. This usually isnt overt they dont wrinkle or go gray faster, but more like a general aura of age. Thoth says, the wisdom of the Universe can be placed on a single feather. Its also likely that the sight of space tugs at your naturally inquisitive mind. While they have regular human bodies and DNA, their souls still shine through in different ways. This is for good reason people tend to see you as a leader, and your advice is also generally pretty solid! Heres one area that Lyran Starseeds often struggle with in their relationships. Youre probably comfortable giving orders, and others are drawn to you for advice and direction. Most importantly, what is your Lyran Starseed mission? This connection to stars may manifest itself through an interest in astrology or science fiction, as you reconnect with your spiritual Lyran self. I have characteristics of all three. Rather, your inner strength and thoughts are so deep that they tend to pull you inward. You might also be sensitive to stimulants like coffee, alcohol and even dark chocolate. Sending you lots of love and blessings . This is probably why they have such high confidence, eagerly pursue their dreams, and never back down from a challenge. Because you put an Eckhart Tolle quote on top of this article I always felt that he actually could be Lyran might this be the reason that you chose it, too? Idk my purpose and to add onto the dream thing ive never had what i consider a nightmare until just last year when i visited what i think might be the underworld? In addition, Lyran starseed markings show up on birth charts. A Lyran Starseed pursues their dreams with a passion that may seem almost scary. As such, Lyran Starseeds feel firmly grounded in the world, with their energies well balanced. Each wants to accomplish something, whether thats guiding humanity through a transitional period or guiding our advancement. If youre wondering if youre a Lyran Starseed, one question youll probably have is if your appearance fits. You may already know your purposeit is always about helping others in one way or another. You feel like youve been around for a long time, even as you continue to discover new things about the universe. Thank you for your service, love and light dear one. Lyran Starseed: traits and meaning: Lyran starseeds are exactly that - souls who existed in some way on the planet Lyra before incarnating here on Earth. They are one of the oldest races in the universe, and are considered to be the original keepers of ancient knowledge. And even now i have vivid dreams everytime i sleep and i have dream i guess realms i visif like a memories idk regular dream places that are like a mixture of my hometown mixed with my current area of living places ive been and places ive never been. This doesnt mean that you dont enjoy company, but that you enjoy meaningful company rather than trivial conversations. A Lyran Starseed comes from different planets, galaxies, and star systems. I hold a Violet flame type aura. I am dazzled, and my body is vibrating and tingling. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. Did you know that two planets where lyrans live are now just storage-planets? Lyran Starseed Love and Twinflames Lyran Starseeds often tend to have love and twin flames who are also Lyrans. Youll never be able to change what happened, so the best thing you can do is look to the future and how you can apply your wisdom to improving it. Nor can NASA travel all the way to Vega in the Lyra constellation. You probably also have a long list of innovative ways that youve helped people solve problems. Best of luck. Are there any resources you recommend for more information? Active, Energetic & Adventurous. planet .doesnt have any $$$$ on it. It makes it easier to overcome challenges. I have a deep connection to this group. This guide will go into everything you need to know about Lyran starseeds, so you can determine if you (or a loved one) might belong to this group. This is because Lyrans are highly creative beings with a deep connection to the magical realm of the fairies. This might seem like a strange combination, but theres an explanation for it. For the longest time I suspected to be andromedan, just like you, although it dawn to me, the more I get to know myself Im realizing Im likely a lyran incarnated in many previous lives. This can even become a problem at times, especially if they want a different kind of connection than you do. Youre not afraid to work hard for what you want. Hi! I developed a weird pattern on the back of my neck and they pointed out that it looked like a Lyran. Lyran starseeds are all about adventure. may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits; . Deep down, you have great trust in the flow of the universe, and you know that everything that happened will make sense in the big picture. It all helps. Im a very old soul (I have learned) and have incarnated in so many different star systems that I identify with more than one, which has been confirmed through the specific starseed markings in my astrology chart and channeled readings from a few people of these many different incarnations. That said, they may have a few of the following physical traits: These starseeds may look older than they actually are. i. IT WILL BE POLISHED LATER. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. I mentioned them earlier. As such, theres no way to give a clear answer without knowing more about your unique background and spiritual journey. These arent guaranteed attributes, but can give you something else to look for if youre wondering about your potential starseed origins. Happy to hear you liked the article. Do you suspect that you are a Lyran starseed? I knew it was you because it had your face! I am now taking that clear message and feeling excited to learn more. Theres a shortcut to all that. I also learned recently that Lyrans will have a marking somewhere on their bodies the shape of a lyre and I do! There is any way we can activate the actual soul, our true nature? As such, Lyrans had to flee to other planets and star systems. If youre a Lyran starseed, you may find that you take a very, Forget it, Ill do it attitude toward things. I am leaving soon! I'm writing for Nomadrs to try and find it again. Youre probably much more comfortable when people come to you for help. You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation. I first learned about the Lyrans a few months ago and was reminded of it today. The silver lining of this ancestral experience is that it encoded you with great perseverance. I did, and Ive never looked back since. These Starseeds are highly spontaneous and persistent and always have extremely high . Giver? This confidence also means youre not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for your values. After this 3rd Density moment I will be reincarnating on another 3rd Density planet. Your articles are really helpful! Lyran starseed traits vary by type, meaning youll have different qualities if youre of the Feline race or Avian. However, remember not every star race is on the physical plane but may be in other dimensions and other planes of existence. You know the importance of saying NO and you are selective about relationships. They entered reincarnation cycles in these new star systems. you are a big proponent of personal hygiene, sometimes taking 2 or 3 showers a day, feeling like you dont belong to this planet, yet you are grounded. But all this variety can mean that you constantly need more of it. Of course the other traits fit me too. (I can, but as way of saying :p). Thanks! im not all witchy but spirituality has been awoken in my life recently. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Lyrans are generally quite self-reliant and dont really need much from other people. And to my surprise everything in your article resonates with me. And wouldnt you know it, Thoth the ibis-headed god of wisdom, writing, math, and medicine is indeed Avian in origin. But of course, you can still open up to people with a warm and loving attitude, and love making people laugh. The truth is, its hard for even a regular person to find their soulmate. This is thought to be due to their origination from the Felines, one of the two primary races in our universe. This could mean that Lyrans feel alienated from the masses. If youre not sure what your souls path is, Soul Manifestation has a tool I think you will like. We suggest 6 ways below. How do you incorporate this knowledge into your spiritual practice? If you find yourself identifying with many of them, that means you might share this celestial origin! As with their hair, they may use their skin to express themselves. Lyran Starseeds had a particular look in their original form. Of course, you might still be affected when something unexpected comes up, or things go completely sideways. Theyre the kind of people who will gladly call off of work sick in order to spend a day hiking or whitewater rafting instead. You revel in food, drink, physical activity, and culture. Thank you very much! Whether its fighting for your rights as a citizen, or simply standing up for the truth, you dont hesitate to speak up and take action, even if it makes you unpopular with some people. Peace and abundance Zaran , I am most definitely! You hate the idea of spending all your time and attention on just one thing as then youd have to give up all the others you love just as much! You are assertive, and feel comfortable giving orders. Now I see looking forward to deeper meditations and connections to come. The lyran starseed phenomenon is a subject that has progressed fairly recently, yet gained enough attention to be recognized in the news and even mentioned on national television. The majority of Lyran starseeds look very similar to your average human being on planet Earth, but on average are slightly taller. Lyran starseeds come from the star Vega in the Lyra Constellation. I can not even bare to think of being alive without having cats in my life. I was told I was a lyran starseed and everything it describes is me to a T. I read everything that u had written about it on here n I was really surprised..Im really glad to know this..thank u for this information.. Oh my if I hadnt been more understood.. this was such an interesting read thank you so much for sharing sending so much love and light, Youre welcome! I agreed to what you said that we knew we have a purpose The reason you can overcome challenges is due to the millions of challenges Lyrans have faced in their long existence. The ability to fly was added for personal enjoyment. I was blown away by the traits! I am happy to be of service to others in their awakening. Starseed Sister Angie. You actually find comfort in the freedom that comes with a little disorganization and lack of structure.

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